I hope you dance....

Last night, we went to my cousin's wedding; afterward there was dancing. Becc and I danced 3 whole songs before my arms gave out, and she LOVED it. So much so, by the 3rd song, there were tears streaming down her cheeks from laughing so hard. I look forward to the day when we can dance together with her feet on the floor.
She is so much work, yet all that is erased with a hug or a smile. I guess in that way, she has my other kids beat out. No matter how frustrated I am with how much extra effort she is, she can change my outlook in 2 seconds.

Love you Bec!

P.S. In case you were wondering (and I know you are) the 3 songs were: All the Single Ladies by Beyonce, Forever by Chris Brown, and I can't remember the 3rd, but it had a fly groove. Yeah, I can dance, don't be jealous.


  1. I predict this picture to become one of your family's favorites over the years. I love it already. :)

  2. Aunt Laura12:55 PM

    Thank you for sharing this, it made me BAWL! You and Diana are so cool! I love your family's collective guts!

  3. That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. What a precious girl and a great dad too!


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