A Brush With Amazing

Tonight the whole family had the opportunity to meet Collin Raye. It was an amazing experience. Such a nice guy -- truly awesome. We sat and talked to him for almost an hour while he held Becca and stroked her head and hair. Then we got to sit in the balcony backstage and watch him sing. What awesome messages his songs portray. Life after Death, Eternal Love, Kinship, God's Love. Amazing. If you want to read more about the whole experience, check out Diana's post. Anyway, I did get some decent pictures, and thought I would share them

They did this for a whole hour, he talked, she listened, he smiled, she smiled, he kissed her and stroked her face, she giggled. It was awesome

Our backstage lodgings

Becca just listened intently the whole time, not a peep.

During the singing of Amazing Grace...

His Rockstar pose.

3 in the outhouse
You can also check out the first time we went to see him in concert


  1. So, I had to look up what he sang because I didn't recognize his name (I am not that into country, Bryce is though) but of course I recognized some of his songs. What a great opportunity for the family! It is always nice to find out that someone famous like that is also a really good person.


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